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Resources For Alzheimer's Family Caregivers

Resources for Alzheimer Family Caregivers

When I was caring for my mother, I was constantly looking for information about her illness, its stages and symptoms, the most recent treatment and care options, health insurance, legal and financial ramifications, or a network of other caregivers to talk to. Google was useful, but I occasionally questioned the accuracy or intent of some of the websites and their content. In most cases, becoming a family caregiver occurs unexpectedly, and most people are overwhelmed by the large amount of information that they must process.

SimpliTend understands the stress and anxiety that our family caregivers are under, and we want to support them in any way we can. That is why we decided to prepare a list of resources that we believe will be valuable for new family caregivers. This is not a comprehensive list, and we intentionally kept it short and focused on essential sites so that our users are not overwhelmed by information. However, this is a working list that we will update as additional resources become available or as our readers provide comments.


Here are some important websites that provide valuable information and support for caregivers:


  • This site offers a wealth of resources for caregivers, including tips for everyday care, planning for future, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


  • Alzheimer’s Association: A website with downloadable resources for patients and caregivers. ALZNavigator can help you find your next steps if you're living with memory loss or caring for someone who is.    

  • Veterans Administration: The caregiver website and toll-free support line at (855) 260-3274 can help veterans and caregivers. 


  • Caregiver Action Network: A group with resources for caregivers, including forums and tips. Their Family Caregiver Toolbox has information on every aspect of caregiving, including caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's disease. 


  • Caregiver Nation: A Facebook group that offers family caregivers support, information, and resources. 


  • AFA Teal Room: A virtual space where individuals living with Alzheimer's and their care partners can enjoy therapeutic programming, such as music, art, and dance/movement therapy. 


  • Memory Cafes: Memory Cafés are a comfortable, social gathering that allow people experiencing memory loss and a loved one to connect, socialize, and build new support networks. Cafés are free to attend and welcome to all.


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