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Writer's pictureSaeed Saatchi

Why Structured Routines Matter for Your Aging Loved Ones: Discover the Benefits of Using SimpliTend for Routine Management

Updated: Jan 4

Daily routine for a businessman

It is fascinating to consider the extent to which our daily lives are shaped by routines, often without our conscious awareness. Most of our days follow a familiar pattern, with designated times for sleeping, waking, eating, commuting to work, squeezing in workouts, and engaging in our children's activities. This organized way of living does not just apply to weekdays; it carries over to the weekends too. Many of us stick to a timetable that encompasses our kids' events, household chores, fitness routines, and social gatherings, creating a rhythm that defines our lives.

Living with a routine may offer a reassuring sense of consistency as we deal with our daily tasks and obligations. However, when the time comes for retirement, it often brings about a significant upheaval in our lives, disturbing the usual patterns that have defined our days. Many people compare retirement to a never-ending Saturday, when the prospect of sleeping in or watching endless television can be tempting. While this transition may feel liberating and exciting at first, it can also lead to feelings of aimlessness, prompting some retirees to experience depression or anxiety as they adjust to the lack of a scheduled life.

Developing a daily routine can significantly improve the lives of elderly people, giving them a renewed feeling of purpose and clarity. Consistent activities such as fixed mealtimes, medication reminders, time for social interaction, physical exercise, and a regular bedtime can help to develop a stable framework that fosters stability. This systematic method not only reduces anxiety but also improves both mental and physical health, especially for people coping with cognitive disorders such as dementia or Alzheimer's disease. When elders have a predictable schedule, it helps to lessen feelings of confusion and disorientation, nurturing a comforting sense of security in their everyday lives.

The SimpliTend smartphone application is a thoughtfully designed tool that helps elders and their caregivers develop a comprehensive and personalized care plan. The plan encompasses essential elements such as medication management, social activities, and scheduling doctor’s appointments. By storing the care plan directly on the senior's phone, it enables them to adhere to a structured routine even when at home alone. SimpliTend also allows family caregivers to remotely monitor the care plan, enabling them to intervene and provide assistance as needed. Family caregivers can also update the care plan remotely, such as modifying the dosage and schedule of medications or the timing of social activities.

Senior care information can be viewed via both senior and caregiver mobile apps
Senior care information is listed in the senior profile and can be viewed via both senior and caregiver mobile apps.

The SimpliTend care plan is more than just a checklist; it includes critical health information, contact information for the primary doctor, daily care requirements, and issues to consider for the senior's mental and emotional well-being. It also includes allergies and dietary needs, resulting in a more personalized approach to care. Furthermore, family caregivers can designate another family member or friend to help with the senior's care while the primary caregiver is unavailable. The SimpliTend temporary caregiver feature gives friends and family access to the same important care information as the primary caregiver, allowing the temporary caregiver to deliver the same level of support and care. This collaborative approach fosters a supportive environment, ensuring that seniors receive the attention and care they deserve.

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