
The way older adults in the United States engage with technology has transformed significantly over the last decade. According to Pew Research, in 2021, 83% of people aged 50-64 and 61% of people aged 65 and older own a smartphone. The higher adoption rate of smartphones among older adults is largely due to the direct benefits of smartphones such as communication, emergency contacts, and easy access to information. However, seniors may be more hesitant to upgrade. They often prioritize reliability and familiarity over new features. The older adults might not see the need for the latest technology if their current smartphones meet their basic needs.
The adoption rate of the IOT devices is much slower in older adults since they require a more significant learning curve and setup process which can be intimidating. In addition, some seniors have concerns about their privacy with home cameras and voice recognition devices like Alexa. They worry that these devices might be listening in on their conversations or capturing private moments without their consent. Also, there is the fear that these gadgets could be hacked, exposing personal information, or even enabling strangers to spy on them.
Technology has also created a slew of challenges for seniors, particularly concerning scams and privacy violations. Many older adults may not be as familiar with digital security practices, making them prime targets for cybercriminals. Phishing emails, fraudulent phone calls, and deceptive websites can trick seniors into revealing sensitive information or making unauthorized payments.
Caregivers use technology in many ways to provide remote care for their aging loved ones:
Remote Monitoring Systems: Devices like cameras, motion sensors, and wearable health monitors allow caregivers to keep an eye on their loved ones' safety and health remotely.
Telehealth Services: Video calls with healthcare providers enable seniors to receive medical consultations without leaving home.
Medication Management Apps: These apps remind seniors to take their medications and allow caregivers to track adherence.
Smart Home Devices: Automated lighting, thermostats, and security systems help create a safer living environment.
Emergency Response Systems: Wearable devices with emergency buttons ensure that seniors can quickly call for help if needed.
By leveraging these technologies, caregivers can provide continuous support and peace of mind, even from a distance. However, family caregivers must be mindful of both technological safety issues and their loved ones' anxiety about privacy and IOT equipment.
Why ethical technology solution?
Consumer technology choices are frequently personal. It is a reflection of our personalities, preferences, and sometimes even our status. Some people swear by Apple, while others are dedicated Android users. IoT devices add another layer, shaping how our homes function and respond to our needs. The decision of which product to install and when to upgrade is also personal and impacted by factors such as our perspective of the device usability, brand loyalty, and our desire for new features..
However, when selecting a remote care solution, we need to keep in mind that there are two unique users: caregivers and older adults, each with their own set of needs, technological capabilities, and fears. Seniors value technologies that are friendly, dependable, non-intrusive, and respect their independence. Caregivers, on the other hand, prioritize the safety of their aging loved ones while simultaneously attending to their own personal obligations.
An ethical technology solution meets the needs of both older adults and working family caregivers. SimpliTend believes in three basic criteria for keeping our solutions ethical.
Simplicity and usability of the solution
Promote senior independence.
Respect caregiver’s personal time.
However, the caregiver requirements or senior’s level of independence may vary during the care lifetime. Nonetheless, when deciding on new capabilities or care support, it is imperative that we consider the above factors. We must also recognize that achieving every objective may become a balancing act during the course or caring.
Simplicity and usability of the technology: Usability is how well product works from the target user’s perspective. We frequently choose a technology solution based on the advertised features, yet most advertisements are overly generic, implying that the device/technology will work for all user demographics. The younger generation are early adopters and more forgiving on technology usability, and less concerned about sharing personal information. However, the same technology may be unusable to older adults due to cost, small text, complex interfaces, or requiring fine motor skills that can be challenging. Furthermore, many seniors are wary of sharing personal information online to fears of identity theft and data breaches.
Family caregivers must involve their elderly loved ones in the decision-making process, allowing them to evaluate the features and ensure they are comfortable with the user experience. Some IOT devices, such as cameras or speech recognition systems, may be too intrusive for your loved ones. You can postpone using these devices unless there is a valid safety concern.
Simplicity and usability have been the foundations of SimpliTend mobile application design since the beginning. The technology's ease of use was carefully evaluated to ensure that it could be implemented with a simple user flow, to the point where we delayed several features until we could achieve our goal. SimpliTend mobile apps are designed exclusively for seniors with memory impairments and their family caregivers.
Promote senior independence: Family caregivers often struggle between protecting their aging parents from harm and allowing them the freedom to make their own choices. Balancing these can be emotionally taxing—it is not easy to watch a loved one take risks, even if they are minor. Plus, there is the fear of being judged by others if things go wrong. Yet, independence is crucial for the mental and emotional well-being of the older adults, so caregivers must tread carefully.
Technology can be a game changer for our loved one’s independence; however, we must remember rule number one and make sure seniors are comfortable with the choice of technology. SimpliTend senior and caregiver mobile apps are built specifically to encourage independence while ensuring safety. The application enables the seniors to
Manage their medications.
Schedule their appointments
Go outside – take a walk or visit their neighbor.
Or go about doing their daily activities.
Concurrently, the app informs their family caregivers so they can assist their loved ones if needed. I.e.
Family caregivers can receive medication and appointment notifications to help remind the elderly as needed.
Outdoor walks and chatting with neighbors are part of many seniors' daily routines. SimpliTend recognizes this and has incorporated three features to keep seniors safe outdoors.
GPS locator provides seniors' real-time location to family caregivers.
If a senior becomes disoriented during a walk, they can request directions back home – The SimpliTend app notifies the caregiver that the senior may be lost.
Caregivers can set up geofence boundaries and receive alerts if the seniors travel too far from home.
SimpliTend app provides a “Chat” and preprogrammed “SOS” button on the home screen so seniors can reach the family caregiver or call for help with a press of a button.
Respect caregiver’s personal time: Personal time for caregivers is vital. Caring for aging loved ones can be emotionally and physically exhausting, and without breaks, caregivers risk burning out. Taking time for themselves helps them recharge and maintain their own health, which is essential for providing quality care. It also allows them to nurture their own relationships, interests, and careers, ensuring they do not lose themselves in the caregiving role. It is about sustaining a healthy balance, so they can be present and effective in their caregiving duties.
Family caregivers must take into account their needs, including their own personal wellbeing, when choosing a technology solution. Other aspects that may influence the solution include senior physical health and the amount of time caregivers require due to personal family or career obligations. However, here are capabilities that SimpliTend has included in their mobile application design to assist our working family caregivers.
Remote monitoring: Following rules number 1 and 2, SimpliTend technology enables seniors to go about their daily routines while allowing caregivers to monitor remotely and provide assistance as needed.
Temporary help: At times, a family caregiver may need to delegate caregiving duties to another family member or friend while they attend to personal matters. SimpliTend mobile apps allow you to easily delegate and transfer remote monitoring to another family member or acquaintance. This allows family caregivers to take a break, run errands, or go to work without worrying about the safety of their loved ones.
Adapt as senior needs change: Technology must adapt to stay relevant and effective. For instance, an older adult might initially need basic monitoring, but as their condition changes, they may require more advanced features, such as greater intervention from a caregiver to remind them to eat, take their meds, or track their location.
SimpliTend senior and caregiver mobile applications are linked to provide a comprehensive solution to care for our aging loved ones remotely. The solution offers a customizable experience that may be tailored to senior’s needs.
The prevalence and higher adoption rate of technology across all demographics can give the appearance that all age groups see technology similarly. Furthermore, it is difficult to find a single solution that meets the needs of two diverse age groups. However, at SimpliTend, we believe that the core concept of ethical technology may assist caregivers and older adults in openly discussing and addressing topics that are important to them.